Mission Statement
'To inspire wellness by educating the community; empowering self-healing for personal and collective evolution.'
'My personal experiences with Network care are what lead me to practice this powerful work. I have a strong passion for this re-organizational healing approach and know first hand how it can deliver exceptional change and transformation for people of all ages, from infancy to elderly. Everyone benefits from a clear and flexible nervous system.'
Dr. Joanna Schmidt graduated from Sherman College of Chiropractic in South Carolina in 1999. She practices chiropractic and facilitates workshops utilizing Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) and Somato-Respiratory Integration (SRI), which is based on the 12 stages of healing by Dr. Donald Esptein.
She is the owner of Naturally Chiropractic in Marysville and has a combined 16 years of experience in practice in both Calgary, AB and for the past 10 years in Kimberley, BC.
Dr. Joanna's vision is to empower each practice member to trust in their own healing capabilities by utilizing reorganizational healing technologies that empower and bring about a sense of deep personal awareness.
Testimonials for Dr. Joanna Schmidt
'I have used chiropractors routinely throughout my adult life. For the most part I was satisfied with the initial care, however I always sensed there must be a way to reach a level beyond maintenance. So I used other healing modalities, and still I felt a disconnection. I met Dr. Jo and was introduced to Network Chiropractic and "The twelve stages of healing" in September of 2007. I have been a practice member at Naturally Chiropractic since. Without hesitation I highly recommend to anyone that is searching for any form of betterment in their life, to give Dr. Jo a chance. She has the skills and a love for all; the gift to unlock our potential for wellness. I am simply not the same person. I experience harmony in every aspect of my life. I feel that Network Chiropractic has the potential to not only restore the physical body from pain or trauma, but to reorganize your entire life. I understand that in healing of oneself, the whole community benefits. Thank you Dr. Jo for assisting me in my journey toward wholeness.'
Testimonials for Network Spinal Analysis
'Network Spinal Analysis and Somata Respiratory Integration, Donny Epstein's revolutionary methodologies, are amongst the most powerful sources of personal transformation I have ever experienced or seen.
The produce embodied and empowered strategies that are both sustainable and enjoyable for enhanced human resourcefulness and wellness.
I am stronger, more inspired, creative and healthy because of this work. It has personally and professionally helped me to maximize my ability to contribute to others.'
Anthony Robbins
Peak Performance Coach
Best-selling author, Unlimited Power